Lic. Ricardo Rodríguez

Ricardo Rodríguez


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General Profile

Holds a Law Degree from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de Mexico where he graduated in 2005; has postgraduate studies in Corporate and Real Estate Law from the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico. Has more than 10 years’ experience in Corporate Law, specializing in in financial and commercial transactions, as well as of transactions in Real Estate and various operations in the mining industry; has helped in the creation of renewable energy projects, and has negotiated, implemented and executed agreements with the Federal Government in Mexico; and also, has introduced corporate governance into high profile family companies.

He is currently a professor of Corporate Law at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administracion of the Universidad Autonoma of Ciudad Juarez and is an active member of the Asociacion Nacional de Abogados de Empresa, A.C.

PRACTICE AREAS: Business, Real Estate, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mining, Industrial and Intellectual Property.

LANGUAGES: Spanish / English.