Law Graduate by the Pan-American University in Mexico City, holding a specialization in Corporate Law by the same institution, Armando G. Gutierrez holds an extensive career path with vast experience in various legal areas as an international business attorney with more than 30 years of experience counseling clients doing business in México, assisting them with matter related to foreign investments, foreign and international trade, corporate, real estate and labor law, representing worldwide real estate companies engaged in industrial, housing and retail development projects, banking institutions, telecommunications, manufacturing, and title companies. He also has extensive experience in structuring and implementing joint ventures in México and has participated in various mergers and acquisitions. He also is Member of the National Association of Corporate Lawyers (ANADE) in the state of Chihuahua, and member of the Maquiladora Association of Juarez, Mexico (INDEX).
Armando G. Gutierrez is a founding Partner of LexCorp Attorneys, advising sizeable foreign companies interested in doing business in México, in diverse areas of legal practice mentioned above.
He has been a speaker in various seminars, being Business in Mexico the main subject and ensuring the proper financial transactions take place.